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CAC Green Sticker

Confidence in a coin's quality is Priceless

Before CAC, the market lacked confidence as solid quality coins got lumped together with their lesser quality counterparts. CAC holds coins to a higher standard so you can be confident in the value of yours.

In November 2007, CAC was founded by leading members of the numismatic community to establish stringent standards for quality within a grade. Fifteen years later in 2022, CAC formed a Grading Service, utilizing the same stringent standards with an unparalleled level of expertise to every submitted coin.

CAC Character In Top Hat

The Need for Higher Standards

In numismatics, the grading scale should be the final word when it comes to the quality of a coin.

Unfortunately, notable inconsistencies exist among certified coins of the same grade. Such discrepancies can inadvertently impact the value of any given coin. As a result, prices for high-quality coins are tethered to their lesser-quality counterparts and suppress the entire market.

Such confusion erodes confidence in certified coins. How is one supposed to know when a coin is solid for the grade?

That is where CAC comes in.

Setting the Standard for Quality

CAC was established in 2007 by leading members of the numismatic community

In 2007, John Albanese partnered with twenty-two leading members of the numismatic community to create the Certified Acceptance Corporation. Their mission was to advocate for the hobbyist by establishing an extremely stringent standard of grading. As a verifier of previously certified coins, CAC only recognizes coins that meet the highest standard. Out of all the coins submitted to CAC, less than half receive the honorable CAC sticker.

Since making its debut, the CAC sticker is universally recognized as the highest standard attainable for certified coins. As a result, the CAC sticker serves as an unmistakable means of identifying premium coins for the grade.

CAC Character With Guitar
CAC Character Flying

Setting the Standard for Accuracy and Consistency

CAC Grading applies the same stringent standards within the context of a grading service

In 2022, they assembled over 150 leading members of the numismatic community with a purpose to reclaim accuracy and consistency in grading. After all, why merely appraise and evaluate a previously certified coin (our Stickering service) when the same stringent standards can be applied within the context of a grading service?

Boasting the highest quality grading team in the industry—including John Albanese, Ron Drzewucki and John Butler—CAC is committed to applying an unparalleled level of expertise to every submitted coin so that hobbyists, collectors, dealers, and investors can have total confidence in a CAC-graded coin.

What impact is CAC Grading having on the market?

Just like the CAC sticker, CAC Grading will significantly bolster confidence in numismatics.

The significance of CAC Grading resonates throughout the numismatic community. Many of today’s most avid collectors have committed entire sets of previously graded coins to be certified by CAC Grading, including a collection of over 10,000 coins that eclipses the quality of the historic Eliasberg Collection.

This speaks volumes about the CAC brand. What could be further proof of the priceless value of CAC’s stringent quality standards?

It goes without saying that collectors, both novice and experienced, can have confidence in the quality of every coin certified by CAC Grading.

CAC Character On Rocket
CAC Character With Sword

Why do CAC coins bring a premium?

Quality coins will always bring a premium. CAC makes it easy to identify quality coins.

It is a well-documented fact that CAC-stickered coins command a premium in the rare coin market. Why, one may ask? The answer is simple. Quality alone determines the value of a rare coin, and the CAC sticker provides an easy way to identify a premium coin for the grade.

As a grading service, CAC is committed to adhering to the same stringent standard for quality, accuracy, and consistency that goes into every stickered coin. The only difference now is the grade assigned to a coin is a true representation of that coin. As a result, hobbyists can have total confidence in the quality of a coin certified by CAC. And that means that CAC certified coins should continue to trade for higher premiums as well.

Below is a timeline of milestones reached along CAC's incredible journey.
CAC founded


CAC was founded by John Albanese, who partnered with twenty-two leading members of the numismatic community to advocate for the hobbyist by establishing an extremely stringent standard verifing previously certified coins.

CAC polevault


Since making its debut, CAC increased confidence in the rare coin market by setting a higher standard for graded coins.
In four short years, CAC:

  • Examined over 300,000 coins valued at $1.5 Billion
  • Purchased over $225,000,000 of coins.

CAC tricycle


During the first five years, CAC revolutionized the market while experiencing impressive growth.

  • CAC examined over 400,000 coins valued at $1.8 Billion
  • Purchased over $275,000,000 of coins.

CAC 10 year anniversary


In 10 short years, CAC solidified it's position as the universally recognized mark of a quality coin.

  • Over 1.2 Million Coins Evaluated
  • Built a team of 4 expert graders
  • The premier market maker for its stickered coins
  • CAC coins bring a premium in the market

CAC on the beach


To further boost confidence, CAC introduced a comprehensive Independent Market Value Guide listing the current prices of all CAC stickered coins.

  • Examined over 1.3 Million Coins coins valued at $1.8 Billion
  • Purchased nearly $650,000,000 of coins.

CAC astronaut


By this time, it is well documented that CAC stickered coins bring a premium in live autions, shows and internet sales. Why? Because they are placed only on quality coins.

  • Over 1.4 million coins evaluated
  • Purchased nearly $700,000,000 of coins.
  • Over 2,550 CAC members

Over one hundred and fifty leading members of the numismatic community, led by John Albanese and Ron Drzewucki, form a new grading firm, CAC Grading. Bolstered by a team of world-class graders, CAC’s commitment is to apply the same stringent standards with an unparalleled level of expertise to every submitted coin.

CAC Grading founded